Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Bartenders Tip

I have survived yet another full day of cruising. This being my third night at sea I have made friends with my bartender Kris D. We have had some great conversations and he has helped me pass the time away while the rest of our group is in the Casino. I do not gamble as much as some of the folks in our group does. I would rather use the money to send Alex things that he needs or wants. I was talking to Kris last night about Alex and what he is doing. Kris loaned me his ear for a portion of the evening and naturally Alex was the topic of conversation. Kris did have this to offer "If you are going ashore to buy C cigars (for the guy's) be sure to make an effort to find out if they are knockoffs" so that they do get the real deal.

Alex had made mention that he is on track to return home in October for R&R of 18 days. I was thinking a cruise would be perfect for us to go on. It will allow him to truly relax and just unwind. Perhaps I will run this by him the next time he calls. I wonder if the Cruise Line offers discounts to the Military? Something I will have to look into. Anyone ever checked before?

Tomorrow I will be tearing it up on an ATV. I'll let you know how that adventure turns out.

Until then, Have a great night,

Larry Arnone
AKA Bluestardad (I want to keep it that way)
San Francisco, Ca