As I was driving to work yesterday morning listening to news radio and thinking to myself that I should find a job closer to home, and then I found myself wondering about our boy's over in Afghanistan and how they get around the land. Me, I'm constantly looking for reckless drivers and avoiding hitting stray animals. The guy's looking for planted I.E.D.'s and ambushes from the Taliban. I begin to think my 55 minute commute isn't so bad after all. I decided to change the station to some light rock. The band that is playing is Phil Collins. Some great music I think to myself, when suddenly a different tune begins to also play and then I realize it's "The green Beret" on my ring tone. I immediately grab my cell and say "Hello" and then I hear "Hi Dad! How you doing" that is what I have been waiting for. It's sure sounds great to hear his voice and I tell him so.
He is still at the VPB outside Fortress and has been there for over a month now without refitting back at the FOB. I asked him why and he said that his section leader needs him there. When I asked how things were going he said "Dad, it has been raining everyday lately and it seems to be keeping the bad guy's away so things have been pretty slow." He did sound in good spirits and rested even though he was getting off guard duty from the perimeter. I told him about his platoon leaders email to me and how I had framed those emails (I got that idea from another soldiers mother) and hung it next to his picture on the wall. I could actually see him rolling his but he knows his old man and understands.
I know many of you that read my blog has soldiers serving the 2nd/503rd Regiment 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team and know what it is like not hearing from them. I was able to speak to Alex for a good twenty minutes at the end of my commute. It's funny really because Alex knows that I stay in touch with many of the Parents and Grand Parents of our guy's and his last words to me were "Dad, tell Scott's (Last name) Dad Hi and tell Poole's Grand Parents he is here with me. Also let (name withheld) Vickie know her son is not here and not sure where he is at this point but may be at the FOB but not sure. Tell my Sister Michele and Auntie Jen I said hi and I will see them soon. I love you Dad! Over and Out." That was it and then white noise.
It was good to hear from him and I look forward to hearing from him again when he can call. When I arrived home there was a letter in my mailbox from him, talk about icing on the cake. I read his letter several times over. He wrote it shortly after an attack on his position. It is pretty amazing what these kids (opps Men) go through. I am sure you all are as proud of yours as I am of mine. Well thanks for reading the blog, this is Bluestardad, over and out!
Larry Arnone
AKA Bluestardad (and I want to keep it that way)
San Francisco