To have such fine men leading my son while deployed over in Afghanistan. I woke up this morning and in opening my email account I see an email in my inbox from my sons platoon leader. Now I know that this fine young man has one hell of a job on his hands with his platoon stretched throughout the area of operations supporting the other companies. Jason mentioned that the men are all doing well and that they continue to improve their bases of operation. Summer is coming to a close and they will be breaking out their cold weather gear very soon.
I just find it simply amazing that this fine young man takes the time to email me under such spartan conditions. I mean, he must travel over the roads (that alone must be gut wrenching because of the dangers of I.E.D's) to visit with his various sections to make sure they have what they need to continue to take the battle to the enemy and he still takes time out to communicate with a parent. I am just blown away by this. The men and women that serve our Nation today are a much different breed than when I served.
So to all the parents and family of those reading this today, be it known that your soldier is being lead by some of the finest leaders. Many will be returning over the next several months on R&R. Take the time to get to know the new man that comes home. Most will have changed because of their experiences over in Afghanistan and the leadership they have found themselves under. Character can be contagious. God Bless Them All!
Larry Arnone
AKA Bluestardad (and I want to keep it that way)
San Francisco