Monday, December 31, 2007

Another Night before Christmas with a Twist

Twas the nite before Christmas and all through my town,
no one was excited, we all felt so down
Our guard unit deployed, with many other guys too
we had no Christmas spirit, we all felt so blue
The children were crying, they all missed their Dads
Moms tried to be cheery but were simply to sad
At the mall when the kids sat on Santa's broad lap,
they didn't ask for toys, just please bring Daddy back
My own son was gone, on his second tour
to a third world country I'd never thought of before.
I sent all of his gifts by priority box
and hoped they'd arrive on time and not lost
His stocking I filled with a soldier needs mix
wet wipes, and jerky and tubes of chap stick
I put up a tree trimmed in blue red and white,
and prayed he'd be safe this Christmas eve night
I sat up all evening felling sorry and sad
remembering other family times that we'd had
Suddenly a voice whispered down from above
don't worry my child, for your son I too love
I'm with him each day, while he serves far from home
Trust me sweet mother, he's never alone
I know what it's like to have a son far away
in a small foreign village on Christmas day
No place to call home, or to lay down his head
no heat, no food not even a bed
the first Christmas gifts brought him from afar
also came late, as they followed the star
Dear mother as you sit in your Christmas eve sorrow
filled with such loneliness, dreading tomorrow
I beg you to remember the first Christmas day
The Christ child I sent to show you the way
so Please, smile this evening as you remember the birth,
of a child in a manger I sent down to earth
Though this year you are sad, your boys far apart
You can be assured they've kept Christ in their hearts
I promise I'm with them as they wander afar
a constant companion as the moon or a star
Christmas wishes dear Mother I send from above
and know you and your sons are surrounded by LOVE>

Author: Vickie C. Proud Mom of an American Paratrooper who serves alongside my son in Afghanistan

Larry Arnone
San Francisco, Ca

AKA A Bluestardad (and I want to keep it that way)