I write this today not because there is pleasure in combat. I write this for the people who send packages not only to my son but other Paratroopers as well. I believe a good soldier has the ability to watch out for his brothers that serve on their right, left and all around. They can not look out for their brothers if they are receiving anything in the mail that would alter their judgment. Please, I value my sons life as I am sure you all value your soldier or friend so please refrain from sending them anything that would make them impaired in judgment or duty. I am going to cut and paste a note from my son's commander in hopes that my son's friends and any body else that reads this, it is so important as they are well past the half way mark of their deployment. This may well be the most important post I ever make. Thank you Diana for the idea to post the Rock 6 letter.
Larry Arnone
San Francisco
AKA Bluestardad (and I want to keep it that way)
From the Commander –
To our Families–
The holidays have passed and we are focused on the spring then summer, which includes our redeployment. Contact with the enemy has dropped to less than 20% of what we experienced in the summer/fall – and of that 20% we are initiating 1/3 of all contacts on our terms. Many things contribute to the decline in activity and the initiation on our part – namely the efforts (and sacrifice) of our Paratroopers. We know our area and those who challenge us in this area. We know the vast capabilities of our equipment. Most importantly we know ourselves and everything we can accomplish in this area.
We are maximizing our time. We retrain ourselves, we train our Afghan security partners, we mentor our government officials, and we work with our population. We take time to “refit” (conduct maintenance) on ourselves and on our equipment. Most are not working as many hours in as trying conditions as they once were and most have better access to phones and email. In addition to the above, we are also using this time to reposition some units as we prepare for our spring and summer effort.
A trend at this time of year is to recover – on the battlefield and on the home front. Recover from the holiday season, pack the holiday decorations, and prepare for spring. All become busy and in short order it has been weeks if not months since the last package or note was sent.
In AO ROCK we have a similar lull, which for some manifests into an issue – idle hands and idle minds. Some Paratroopers request packages and items that are prohibited in Afghanistan and thus in AO ROCK. Some loved ones opt to demonstrate a lapse in judgment and tempt their Paratrooper. Let me be frank – like I routinely promise and always deliver. An ongoing investigation has revealed loved ones have sent mind altering substances – alcohol and perhaps other substances – into our battle space. I could be very animated in my delivery but instead I will remain professional – that is exceptionally poor judgment and life threatening - STOP! We have a very real challenge and spend incredible effort ensuring we do everything in our power to keep our Paratroopers – your loved ones – safe. Contributing ANYTHING to our battle space that impairs judgment and/or reflexes, for even a moment, puts the using Paratrooper and the many men who rely on that Paratrooper at greater risk. Your loved ones don’t have off time – nearly all have been called out on no notice to assist other Paratroopers or to deliver effects on the enemy, which directly or indirectly saves Paratroopers lives. If this is a game – it is called LIFE AND DEATH; no alibis and few second chances. If Paratroopers are not physically hurt their careers could be hurt by their poor judgment. As an aside, like when we have casualties, when investigations begin – connectivity is cut off.
As a team – I’d like all to recommit to getting through this deployment together. No individual players – no off the field coaches or fans that know best. We don’t need excuses or justifications from those who think/thought they know best – trust me, if you are impairing judgment or affecting reflexes of Paratroopers in AO ROCK you don’t know best… You’ve put their life and their career in jeopardy and put their buddies’ lives in jeopardy.
Please refer to the prohibited items list on the web – no alcohol or drugs. Please continue to send boxes, letters, and words of support – if you pray, throw a few our way… We need and appreciate your support. Your Paratroopers are truly honorable and remarkable Americans that are doing incredible things every day – they are a proud lot and you should be as well…
I remain very optimistic 2008 will be a great year for The ROCK and our families… Families of the ROCK thank you for your continued support and unparalleled sacrifices for The ROCK, the Army, and our great nation. I look forward to serving with you and our ROCK Paratroopers – anytime – anywhere.
Ostlund – ROCK 6