Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Prince, Promotions, Medals and a fathers love

Like all of you, I have seen the many articles about Prince Harry serving over in our soldiers Battle Space. I think his service to his country is commendable. He could have done anything he wanted, a stock broker, doctor, an ambassador any thing at all. He chose to serve his countries Army as an Infantry Officer. It is my opinion that any officer that trains with his men should be allowed to deploy with his men. I understand that yes that it places a danger to his men if the Taliban should find out he is in the country. What I find deplorable is the fact that certain news organizations chose to breach an agreement made in advance in order to allow Prince Harry the ability to lead the men he trained with. I am sure you will agree with me that the organizations that released this sensitive information was for two reasons, The reporters ego and the ability to sell more. I hope that the reporters responsible read this. I hope you can sleep at night knowing that you the reporter put British soldiers lives at risk as well as the Prince. I guess having a fallen Prince would have lined all of your heartless reporters pockets. Sorry for this rant but I really do find this so unacceptable.

I heard from my son's section leader recently that my son was promoted on March 1st to an E-4 and I could not be more happier for my son. He does in my mind deserve it I think anyways. Alex, if you get to read this I want you to know I am so very proud of you and all the men and women you serve with, Congratulations son! It is about time you have been promoted.

My son's leader also mentioned that my soldier has been awarded the Army Commendation Medal for Valor and that has me shaking in the knees because he is also in for a Bronze Star for Valor which has not been approved yet. When I see the word Valor I get a bit nervous only because these soldiers put their lives at risk every day and do so only because they care about the soldier on their left and right. I don't really care much about medals, I just want my kid home alive and well. Alex! do the right thing but at the same time, be smart and engage on your terms.

In closing, I want all of you to know that I pray for all your soldiers every day and night. They deserve so much gratitude and appreciation. They extended themselves everyday, go above and beyond the call of duty. Prince Harry, Thank you for trying to do what you feel is right for you.

A Fathers Love,

Larry Arnone
San Francisco

AKA abluestardad (and I want to keep it that way)


Anonymous said...

Congrads to your son and you.
Your post brought tears to my eyes.
Hopefully only 5 months to go.
Terrie PAM of 2 Soldiers

Anonymous said...

I was thrilled to read about Alex's promotion. More than deserved I'm sure. I would ask that you give him my contratulations when next you talk but I know those opportunities are too far and few and so short so...hopefully he'll read it here.

I'm proud of Alex to read about his medals because that does most definitely speak to his being the consumate Soldier, brave Warrior and selfless teammate. However, it does certainly give one pause as to the events that occurred to create the need for them.

Alex and all of the Soldiers of the 173rd will continue to be in my daily prayers until they all come home safely.

And I couldn't agree with you more about Prince Harry's character as well as the lack of character of the media.