Hi Everyone,
I know it has been ages since I have written here but felt rather interested in doing so this evening. Like many of you that may have had a soldier downrange I found myself searching news on the Internet or even downloading the Stars & Stripes for any bit of information on the 173rd Airborne Brigade. Since Alex has been home and is now back in Italy it seems I don't have a need to worry. As many of you also know that his Birthday was 9/11 so I tried to keep that day on a positive note.
Today however, I did receive some news in the form of an email from my son's SFC Levy. Jason wrote how his Mortar Team of 28 men have been awarded a total of 41 medals for Valor. Of these two were for Silver Stars for Valor 3 Bronze Stars for Valor and 36 Army Commendations for Valor as well. He informed me that Alex was one of the recipients with a total of 3 Army Commendations for Valor. Yes, you guessed correct, I had a huge grin when I read that piece. His Mortar Pit N.C.O. SSG Upp received one of the Silver Stars. Alex has told me some amazing stories about he and SSG Upp so when I heard he was awarded this countries second highest award for Valor I wasn't surprised. So with that said, I downloaded the Stars & Stripes and sure enough there it was on the second page which I am going to post on my next posting. Well I have to run for now so I can get that posted so until next time, breath easier, they are safe.
Larry Arnone ( AKA A Bluestardad ) and I want to keep it that way
San Francisco
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