Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Dad who anticipates a long awaited return home

I sit here thinking of nights of the past and how I would think of my son before falling asleep. I would ask "is he in a safer place today or "how many times to they push off an attack today" well you get the drill. I now know that he is safe in Italy but I just can't wait to see him.

My daughter Michele ( who handled this deployment so much better than I ) will be joining me at the airport to great our soldier home. The banner above will be proudly displayed at the airport. I have another banner to "Welcome home Soldier" and on the bottom it reads " A true American Hero". I did this because I want to volunteer some time to the USO out at the airport greeting our True American hero's home. Bluestardad Out!

Larry Arnone
San Francisco

AKA Bluestardad ( and I want to keep it that way )


Anonymous said...


Is he home yet?

Larry Arnone said...

Hi Leta!

August 14th 2300 hrs. From the airport straight into the city with friends and family to help a friend close her bar....wink.
